
European Commission - Link to OPERAs project information on the European Commission website

OpenNESS - OPERAs sister project which aims to translate the concepts of Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services into operational frameworks that provide tested, practical and tailored solutions for integrating these concepts into environmental management and decision-making.

ESCom - An exciting new initiative that aims to support better management of Scotland’s natural resources by helping to establish a community of practice between individuals and groups involved in the science, policy and practice behind sustainable ecosystem management. 

EU Bon - Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network

Dessin project -  DESSIN aims to practice and promote innovative solutions for water scarcity and water quality related challenges & to demonstrate a methodology for the valuation of ecosystem services (ESS)

MARS - Managing Aquatic ecosystems and water Resources under multiple Stress

Biofresh - The network for global freshwater biodiversity 

SCALES - Securing the Conservation of biodiversity across Administrative Levels and spatial, temporal, and Ecological Scales.

STEP - Improving Communities Sustainable Energy Policy Tools

FunDivEurope - Functional Significance of Forest Diversity in Europe

LIBERATION - Linking Farmland Biodiversity to Ecosystem Services for effective ecological intensification

POLICYMIX - Assessing the role of economic instruments in policy mixes for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision

QuESSA - Quantification of Ecological Services for Sustainable Agriculture

KnowSEAS - Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe's Seas

NEWFOREX - New ways to value and market forest externalities

BIOMOT - Motivational strength of ecosystem services and alternative ways to express the value of biodiversity

TURAS - Transitioning Towards Urban Resilience and Sustainability

VOLANTE - Visions of Land Use Transitions in Europe

BESAFE - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Arguments for Our Future Environment

ROBIN - Role of Biodiversity in Climate Change Mitigation